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SPIP: Project-based Learning


In Project-Based Learning (PjBL), students are actively learning and integrating knowledge and skills while investigating and responding to complex real-world question, problem or challenge over an extended period of time. This usually involves generating a product or outcome that is presented for critique or feedback for further inquiry or revision.

PjBL Practice

Learn some important considerations in project-based learning.

Edutiopia. (2014, June 26). Five keys to rigorous project-based learning. [Video file].
        Retrieved from  

Learn some examples of project-based learning in Manor New Technology High School.

Edutiopia. (2012, May 23). Project-based learning: Success start to finish. [Video file].
        Retrieved from

Key Features

Education Closet (Corporate Author). (n.d.). Is it a project or project-based learning? [Image].
        Retrieved from

Book Resources


 Is project-based learning the main course or just the
 dessert? What are some critical elements in effective
 project-based learning?

 Larmer, J., & Mergendoller, J. R. (2011). The main course, not dessert.
       How are students reaching 21st century goals? With 21st century
       project based learning.
Retrieved from

  Have you ever wondered how you can better facilitate
  integration across modules in the course? What are the
  different integration levels?

  Harden, R. M. (2000). The integration ladder: A tool for curriculum
       planning and evaluation.
Retrieved from
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