In Project-Based Learning (PjBL), students are actively learning and integrating knowledge and skills while investigating and responding to complex real-world question, problem or challenge over an extended period of time. This usually involves generating a product or outcome that is presented for critique or feedback for further inquiry or revision.
PjBL Practice
Learn some important considerations in project-based learning.
Edutiopia. (2014, June 26). Five keys to rigorous project-based learning. [Video file].
Retrieved from https://youtu.be/hnzCGNnU_WM
Learn some examples of project-based learning in Manor New Technology High School.
Edutiopia. (2012, May 23). Project-based learning: Success start to finish. [Video file].
Retrieved from https://youtu.be/-OWX6KZQDoE
Key Features
Education Closet (Corporate Author). (n.d.). Is it a project or project-based learning? [Image].
Retrieved from https://educationcloset.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/project-
Book Resources
Is project-based learning the main course or just the
dessert? What are some critical elements in effective
project-based learning?
Larmer, J., & Mergendoller, J. R. (2011). The main course, not dessert.
How are students reaching 21st century goals? With 21st century
project based learning. Retrieved from https://www.bie.org/object/
Have you ever wondered how you can better facilitate
integration across modules in the course? What are the
different integration levels?
Harden, R. M. (2000). The integration ladder: A tool for curriculum
planning and evaluation. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.
psu.edu/viewdoc/download doi=