Maxwell opened the floodgates and invited people from around the world to ask him any leadership question. This book will change the way you look at questions and improve your leadership life.
This book gives educators the flexible, modularized building blocks for teaching students how to apply Kouzes and Posner's Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.
Kiker, D. S., Scully Callahan, J., & Kiker, M. B. (2019). Exploring the Boundaries of Servant Leadership: A Meta-Analysis of the Main and Moderating Effects of Servant Leadership on Behavioral and Affective Outcomes. Journal of Managerial Issues, 31(2), 172–197.
Kovach, M. (2019). Transformational Leadership Produces Higher Achievement Outcomes: A Review in Education and Military Contexts. AURCO Journal, 25, 137–147.
Raffo, D. M., & Clark, L. A. (2018). Using Definitions to Provoke Deep Explorations into the Nature of Leadership. Journal of Leadership Education, 17(4), 208–218.
Sidani, Y. M., & Rowe, W. G. (2018). A reconceptualization of authentic leadership: Leader legitimation via follower-centered assessment of the moral dimension. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), 623–636.
Montgomery Van Wart. (2013). Lessons from Leadership Theory and the Contemporary Challenges of Leaders. Public Administration Review, 73(4), 553.
Oludolapo Ibrahim Olanrewaju, & Victor Nnannaya Okorie. (2019). Exploring the Qualities of a Good Leader Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, (2), 142.
Cheng, K., Wei, F., & Lin, Y. (2019). The trickle-down effect of responsible leadership on unethical pro-organizational behavior: The moderating role of leader-follower value congruence. Journal of Business Research, 102, 34–43.
Zhao, H., & Guo, L. (2019). The trickle-down effects of creative work involvement: The joint moderating effects of proactive personality and leader creativity expectations. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 218–225.
de Kwaadsteniet, E. W., Kiyonari, T., Molenmaker, W. E., & van Dijk, E. (2019). Do people prefer leaders who enforce norms? Reputational effects of reward and punishment decisions in noisy social dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 84.
This book from MIT Sloan Management Review answers questions managers are only beginning to ask, presenting insights and stories from organizations navigating the novel challenges of the digital workplace.
Every manager wants to be brilliant, successful, respected and to do the right thing in the right situation. This book covers how to achieve all of these.
This unique guide helps you understand and successfully handle project management, once and for all. Covering practical ways to solve problems you'll typically face when managing actual projects, this pragmatic book takes you through a full project management lifecycle.
Three central precepts are covered in this book. For example, it states that all relationships are reparable, the use of direct language is fundamental and members of a team can fix only one thing at one time.
Noe, R. A., Tews, M. J., & Michel, J. W. (2017). Managers’ informal learning: a trait activation theory perspective. International Journal of Training & Development, 21(1), 1–17.
Richards, C. H., & Corney, W. J. (2011). Manager and Business Student Work Goals: Implications and Recommendations for Educators. American Journal of Business Education, 4(8), 11–18.
Medina, R., & Medina, A. (2014). The project manager and the organisation’s long-term competence goal. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1459–1470.
Hyvönen, K., Feldt, T., Salmela-Aro, K., Kinnunen, U., & Mäkikangas, A. (2009). Young managers’ drive to thrive: A personal work goal approach to burnout and work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 75(2), 183–196.
Burk, C. L., & Wiese, B. S. (2018). Professor or manager? A model of motivational orientations applied to preferred career paths. Journal of Research in Personality, 75, 113–132.
Tjosvold, D., & Halco, J. A. (1992). Performance Appraisal of Managers: Goal Interdependence, Ratings, and Outcomes. Journal of Social Psychology, 132(5), 629–639.