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News Toolkit: Newspaper Articles

This one-stop guide is intended to help NP students find newspaper articles from authoritative credible news sources conveniently.

Newspaper Articles & Media Literacy

Why are newspaper articles useful?


Newspaper articles cover current issues and happenings on local and international news. You can tap on newspaper articles to substantiate a point or an argument in your assignments and use it as one of the references in your assignment. Newspaper articles give accurate and timely information ranging from current affairs to lifestyle topics. They are also a treasure trove to find factual data, opinions, research, review etc.

How can you develop your Media Literacy skills?


Media Literacy is built through various subjects by the Schools to assess the cogency, evidence and implications of arguments in projects & assignments as students explore a range of national issues and international news. Given the wide range of online news sources to access ST Online and other newspapers, students can develop their Media Literacy skills by exploring these sources to evaluate news & make a critical analysis.

Online News Sources

Online News Sources


There are many online news sources for you to tap. Click on the tabs in this News Toolkit to see the sources. If you are unable to access one source, please try another source as they all provide access to current and archived news.


Disclaimer: The content in this News Toolkit has been compiled to assist students and lecturers to access newspaper articles from multiple sources seamlessly during the transition towards the Oct 2023 semester. Although the ST Online App account has ceased for students, students can still tap on a variety of news sources for current & archived news to support their assignments and projects.