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Information Literacy and Digital Literacy Efforts: Introduction

This online guide curates the Information Literacy and Digital Literacy programmes at Lien Ying Chow Library of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

The skills are imparted to the students through a blended teaching approach which includes face-to-face delivery, e-Learning and learning journey. 

Students are taught the skills to construct search strategies, use information and data in digital environments, evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources, apply the appropriate use of information, curate information & share online information.

e-Learning Journey

This covers the phases of evolution in the mode of delivery & instructional design of Library Orientation from face-to-face sessions to the development of an e-Learning courseware. The e-Learning development in Ngee Ann Polytechnic is a journey and not a destination. Along the e-Learning journey, there were a number of stop points at each phase of development for the team to reflect on its instructional design and make continuous improvements.


Digital Portfolio

One of the skills taught in Digital Literacy is to curate resources. Library imparts this skill by teaching students how to create their digital portfolio. A digital portfolio is collection of student’s learning overtime in the Polytechnic which covers his abilities, achievements, passion and interests. The evidences of a student’s qualities are showcased in digital forms such as in videos, slides, photos, blogs etc.

They are curated in Blackboard or free online platforms such as YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr, Podcast, Blogger, Pinterest etc. All the digital representations are then linked together in an online resume using LinkedIn, a professional network platform that enables the creation of online profiles or Weebly, a professional online resume builder on the Web. 

The teaching of Digital Portfolio has been taken over by Office of Internships and Careers in 2017. Library only maintains an online guide on Digital Portfolio which is accessible from the Library Homepage.


D.R.E.A.M.S. Approach to Digital Literacy


Search Information Effectively



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LIEN YING CHOW LIBRARY                           
