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Information Literacy and Digital Literacy Efforts: Learning Journey

This online guide curates the Information Literacy and Digital Literacy programmes at Lien Ying Chow Library of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

The skills are imparted to the students through a blended teaching approach which includes face-to-face delivery, e-Learning and learning journey. 

Students are taught the skills to construct search strategies, use information and data in digital environments, evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources, apply the appropriate use of information, curate information & share online information.


Learning journey is an experiential learning approach to conduct Library Orientation cum basic Information Skills. It promotes active learning as students learn on-the-go as they move their way around the library. As they explore the library, their awareness of the library facilities and resources increases. Currently, quiz questions for learning assessment are mounted on Google Form and students use their mobile phones to access these questions. 

Learning Journey sessions are conducted to Year 1 students as a supplement to the e-Learning of Library Orientation which all Year 1 students go through at the start of Semester 1. At the request of the lecturers on a demand basis at any time of the year, the learning journey could be packaged to reinforce specific learning needs of students. Through an experimental approach via Learning Journey, students could apply what they have learnt in the e-Learning package on Library Orientation in an actual situation in the library.




Moving forward, The Library and NP’s Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) are working together since Sept 2018 to create an app for the Learning Journey which integrates the use of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 360 degree virtual tour of the Library. This will replace the Google Form and provide students with an immersive learning experience. The projected completion of the app is by April 2019. Some features of the storyboard are curated in the introductory video.

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LIEN YING CHOW LIBRARY                           
