This online guide curates the Information Literacy and Digital Literacy programmes at Lien Ying Chow Library of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
The skills are imparted to the students through a blended teaching approach which includes face-to-face delivery, e-Learning and learning journey.
Students are taught the skills to construct search strategies, use information and data in digital environments, evaluate the credibility and reliability of information sources, apply the appropriate use of information, curate information & share online information.
Digital Literacy Framework
NP Library’s Digital Literacy module was designed in tandem with the Polytechnic’s direction of nurturing lifelong learners to be digitally literate. This covers the ability to use digital tools to communicate, collaborate, evaluate information and learn emerging skills.
Talk on Fake News
A talk on “Rejected Musang Durian and Fake News – Combating Fake News, Promoting Information Literacy and Discrimination Skills in students” was jointly organised by the Library and NP’s Centre for Learning & Teaching Excellence to educate staff on ethical use of information.
The talk covered some tips to spot fake news and directed users to more authoritative sources from the Library’s subscribed databases. The talk was jointly conducted by Damien Wang from the National Library Board and Sharon Tan from NP Library.
Digital Literacy Module
In 2018, the team created content on Digital Literacy based on six essential Library skills known as the D.R.E.A.M.S approach. It includes areas such as search strategies, use of Library resources for academic information needs, evaluation of information published online, appropriate use of online information using Creative Commons and citation styles, and the management and sharing of online information.