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Citing Resources: Introduction


This guide provides a one-stop resource platform on prescribed formats of four citation styles - APA, MLA, Harvard, and IEEE.  

The guide covers:

  • the importance of citation for academic works;
  • features in the Library Catalogue, Databases and Google Scholar that can auto-generate citations;
  • use of Reference Management Tool such as Zotero;
  • citation guidelines when citing specific type of materials.

It is important to give credit where credit is due by citing appropriately using a standard citation style.

Reference Management Tool

Zotero is a free reference management software that allows you to:

  • store bibliographic details of your sources. 
  • store PDF versions of your articles.
  • automate formatting of your in-text citations and reference list through plug-in into MS Word. 

* Free storage limited up to 300 MB. 

 Steps to use Zotero software are highlighted in the slides below.

NOTE: Not all citations auto-generated by the software are error-free. It is best to cross ch​eck against the prescribed format. Making edits to the auto-generated citation may be necessary. 


Why are citations important?

OSLIS Elementary Videos. (2018, Aug 3). Citing sources: Why and how to do it 
[Video file]. Retrieved from

Access citation seamlessly

NOTE: Not all citations auto-generated by the software are error-free. It is best to cross ch​eck against the prescribed format. Making edits to the auto-generated citation may be necessary. 

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