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Service-Learning: Papers & Presentations

Service-Learning Papers and Presentations by Ngee Ann Staff and Students


Title of Paper/Presentation Authors/Presenter


Book chapter entitled "Service Learning: An Innovative Pedagogy for the Psychology Curriculum" Faith Ong (OSL) with 4 S-L gurus and psychology professors from the USA and South Africa (Professors Robert Bringle, Robert Reeb, Luzelle Naudé,  Ana I. Ruiz) International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching Feb 2022
Community Optometry - Photo Essay Contest Submission  Huang Yuqin (School of Health Sciences) Applied Learning Conference 2020  30 - 31 Jan 2020
What Works in Service-Learning?
Achieving Civic Outcomes, Academic Connection, Career
Preparation, and Personal Growth in Students at Ngee Ann
Juliet Choo, Tan Yew Kong (Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence), Tiong Shiuan Shiuan, Sangeeta Nair, Jean Ong, & Angel Chan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences), & Faith Ong (Office of Service-Learning) Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning Volume 25, Issue 2, Summer 2019
Hearing the voices of the voiceless: Service-learning and
its impact on aspects of social awareness amongst nursing and optometry students
Chong Ching Liang, Celestine Seet, Nur Farzana Jupri, Sarah Filzah Bte Mohamed Nasir, Nur Adilah Bte Masduki, Siti Nur Shafiqah Bte Hambali & Nur Adilah Bte
Mohamed Sahri (School of Health Sciences)
Citizenship Teaching & Learning 14.2  1 Sep 2019
Smartphone technologies for recording interviews  Lim Hsien Yong (School of Film & Media Studies) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Connecting Generations: Service-Learning as a tool for building a foundation to gerontology nursing  Nazrin Banu Abdul Razack, Lu Mengya, Caroline Lee, Nasirudeen A.M.A, Chong Ching Liang (School of Healtd Sciences) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Achieving Civic Outcomes, Academic Connection, Career Preparation and Personal Growth in Service-Learning modules @ HMS Faith Ong (Office of Service-Learning) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Extending Institutionalization of Service-Learning Clarence Ti, Joyce Tang, Robert G. Bringle 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Reflections of faculty on the integration of Service-Learning module in the Accountancy Diploma curriculum Jeanette Houmayun (School of Business & Accountancy) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Reflective Teaching in Service-Learning to improve academic connection in a Chinese Literary module Tiong Shiuan Shiuan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Participatory Design Methodology as an Extension of Service-Learning Pedagogy in Architecture Design Studio Raja Mohammad Fairuz (School of Design & Environment) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
Entrenching empathy: Implementation of a service-learning mindset within nursing and optometry students


Chong Ching Liang, Celestine Seet, Jessie Tan, and Nasirudeen A.M.A (School of Health Sciences)

7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019

Does Service-Learning project enhance civic learning in media students?: Comparing results from two runs of News Reporting & Feature Writing

Angel Chan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) 7th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 19 - 21 Jun 2019
What Service-Learning design and delivery considerations were associated with students’ civic responsibility and academic connection? Juliet Choo (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) ERAS-APERA International Conference 2018 12 - 14 Nov 2018
Learning Qualitative Research Skills through Service-Learning Sangeeta Nair, Juliet Choo , Tan Bee Yen, Faith Ong, Angel Chan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) & Tan Yew Kong (Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence) Applied Learning Conference  25 - 26 Jan 2018
Building knowledge and skills for School-Family-Community partnerships through Service- Learning Jean Ong, Lee Lia Irwin Ya'acob, Janice Foo, Juliet Choo, Tiong Shiuan Shiuan, Tan Bee Yen (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) & Tan Yew Kong (Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence) Applied Learning Conference  25 - 26 Jan 2018
Evidencing Service-Learning at HMS Juliet Choo, Shiuan Shiuan Tiong, Sangeeta Nair, Faith Ong, Jean Ong, Angel Chan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) & Tan Yew Kong (Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence) 11th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE) 2017 19 - 22 Sep 2017
Service-Learning Experience for Engineering Students at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Andy Lee Chung Hong & Mei Feng (School of Engineering) 11th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE) 2017 19 - 22 Sep 2017
Infusing Service-Learning Pedagogy into Design Thinking Modules for Year 2 Engineering Students Michael Tan & Tan Wan Chin (School of Engineering) 11th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE) 2017 19 - 22 Sep 2017
Snap & Reflect! Facilitating Reflections through Instagram Faith Ong, Jean Ong, Angel Chan (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 31 May - 2 Jun 2017
Hearing the Voice of the Voiceless: Service-Learning and its Impact on Aspects of Social Awareness on Nursing and Optometry Students from the School of Health Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Singapore Chong Ching Liang (School of Health Sciences)  6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 30 - 31 May 2017
Service-Learning Design Studio: In Search of New Approaches in Design Studio Pedagogy Raja Mohammad Fairuz (School of Design & Environment) 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 30 - 31 May 2017
Reflections of Faculty from Implementation of Service-Learning in the Module 'Project Management' Hon Maode (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 30 - 31 May 2017
Hearing the Voice of the Voiceless: Service-Learning and its Impact on Aspects of Social Awareness on Nursing and Optometry Students Chong Ching Liang (School of Health Sciences) and 5 Health Sciences (Nursing students)  S-L Conference at Nanyang Girls’ High  14 Sep 2016
A Service-Learning Approach to Bio-Mechanical Student Project Development Dr Tan Lam Wing (School of Engineering)  S-L Conference at Nanyang Girls’ High  14 Sep 2016
Service-Learning and Its Use in Project Management for Business & Social Enterprise Students Hon Maode (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) and 1 Business & Social Enterprise student   S-L Conference at Nanyang Girls’ High  14 Sep 2016


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