Physical Security Threats in 2024
The landscape of physical security threats in 2024 is constantly evolving, shaped by changes in workplace practices, new technologies, and new socioeconomic 2024 security trends. The shift to remote work during the pandemic has also instilled some fairly permanent habits for hybrid work. However, it also exposed many businesses to heightened cybersecurity and physical security risks as reliance on digital communication increased significantly, which has had some knock-on physical security implications.
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 6
Your Personal Data, Your Choice A handy guide to understanding the Personal Data Protection Act for Individual. |
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 28
PurpleSec. The 3 Types Of Security Controls (Expert Explains) (Infographic).
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 8, 9 & 10
Thales (2020, 21 Jan). WHAT IS BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY? (Infographic).
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 14
Tiger Team - 24 Karat Caper by norsec0de
Chris Nickerson, Luke McOmie and Ryan Jones break into a high-end jewellery store.
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 4
AgilFence Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (English) by ST Engineering
Riding on the success of implementing the highly innovative FBG-based perimeter intrusion detection system for Changi Airport, AgilFence PIDS, a product of ST Engineering's electronics arm, offers an integrated perimeter protection solution with the world-leading Genetec unified security platform.
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 14
Cyber Law in a Singapore Context by Ian Loe
A short video on some of the cybersecurity laws in Singapore.
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 23
Risk Assessment / Types Of Risk Assessment / Qualitative & Quantitative Assessment by Safety Hunts
There are three types of risk assessment qualitative, Semi-quantitative & quantitative. In this video an attempt has been made to explain these concepts as simple as possible.
FCN Lecture 7 - Security in Physical & Organisational Domains: Slide 24